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Orbit lámpara portátil

Inspirada en la rotación de la Luna alrededor de la Tierra, Orbit está construida en plástico blanco lechoso con detalles de latón refinados, lo que... 
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"Orbit is a luminous urban gemstone for the home. Poetically framed by its metal ring that also acts as a grip for the mobile and wireless rechargeable lamp"

Detalles técnicos

Tiempo de montaje

2 min Vídeo de montaje


W: 19.5 cm H: 18.6 cm


0.4 kg


Philip Bro


Steel, aluminium, silicone, PP and PC

Marcas, pruebas y certificaciones

UKCA, CE standard (for indoor and outdoor use) and IP44 Standard

Información complementaria

Portable table lamp with built-in lithium-Ion battery
USB-C cable and power adaptor incl. Can be charged on Qi compatible wireless charger (not included).


10-year warranty

Technical drawing of Orbit | lámpara portátil

Especificaciones luminosas


Light step 1: 2700 K - 50 lumen
Light step 2: 4000 K - 50 lumen
Light step 3: 6000 K - 50 lumen

Fuente de luz

LED panel built-in

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