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Curious Lounge PackshotCurious Lounge Lifestyle
On sale


From €359.20 €449
UMAGE_packshot_5916-1C719-01_Curious_oak_brass_sugar_brown_1.png (2)Curious Lifestyle
On sale


From €239.20 €299
UMAGE Packshot 5501 701 02 Aconversationpiecelow Oak Whitesands GDA23 2 7B3e2344 C99b 4641 A723 48680950Ced1UMAGE Lifestyle Aconversationpiece Low Oak Mocca 5 2A270f04 16D4 4F33 80A4 406495D02dc8
On sale

A Conversation Piece

From €1,399.20 €1,749
UMAGE_packshot_5550C720-01_Lounge_Around_daybed_oak_sugar_brown_1.png (2)Lounge Around Daybed
On sale

Lounge Around Daybed

From €1,234.35 €1,899
UMAGE Packshot 5601 707 02 Audacious Tvbench Oak Whitesands 2 1Ad1daaa 1769 4C97 9Df7 08410C4e7e225112C5601-7
On sale

Audacious TV Bench

From €799.20 €999
UMAGE_packshot_5550C723-01_Lounge_Around_3-seater_oak_sugar_brown_2.png (2)Loungearound 3Seater Lifestyle
On sale

Lounge Around 3-seater

From €1,624.35 €2,499
UMAGE_packshot_5562C723-01_Lounge_Around_1.5-seater_oak_sugar_brown_1.png (2)5762C723-04
On sale

Lounge Around 1.5-seater

From €1,319.20 €1,649
UMAGE Packshot 5577 704 02 Aconversationpiecetall Oak Whitesands GDA23 2 E8373208 3Af5 454D 96A5 E315bcfa76cbAcp Tall Lifestyle
On sale

A Conversation Piece Tall

From €1,759.20 €2,199
UMAGE Packshot 5519 The Socialite Counter Stool Oak (2)5119
On sale

The Socialite

From €479.20 €599
UMAGE Packshot 5520 The Socialite Bar Stool Oak (2)UMAGE Lifestyle Thesocialite Barstool Oak 1
On sale

The Socialite

From €479.20 €599
UMAGE Packshot 5414 Stepitup Pearlwhite 2 BoligmagasinetUMAGE Lifestyle Stepitup Pearlwhite Boligmagasinet C370a262 9D35 4765 B561 9Ed401f884b2
On sale

Step It Up

From €239.20 €299
590-02C5901-1UMAGE Lifestyle Timeflies Chrome Sugarbrown Caramel Mocca 78A06bcb Fc5b 48C3 A402 145505C98c25

Time Flies

From €429
The Reader PackshotThe Reader Lifestyle
On sale

The Reader

From €1,679.20 €2,099
UMAGE Packshot 5611C5610 2C733 02 Pafftall Bench Oak Whitesands 2 A38d5616 9497 4821 Adf3 Eb65e3153fcdUMAGE Lifestyle Paffbenchtall Oak Sterling 1 437706D2 4E50 49Ab 85Ab 2A6fd7077dbd
On sale


From €399.20 €499
UMAGE_packshot_Time_Flies_counter_stool_brass_sugar_brown_1.pngUMAGE Lifestyle Times Flies Counter Stool Black Sugar Brown (2)
On sale

Time Flies

From €349.30 €499
UMAGE Lifestyle Comfortcircle Oak Curious Oak Black 1 3678B284 C3ab 4Ea9 8A4d Cedf903f9ce4

Chairs from UMAGE

Experience the perfect blend of design and ultimate comfort with UMAGE's chairs. From lounge and dining chairs to bar and counter stools, our seating options are meticulously crafted to be visually striking and irresistibly inviting.

At UMAGE, we prioritize the harmony of style and comfort, creating chairs that are truly fit for relaxation and unwinding. Each chair embodies a seamless combination of form and function, ensuring a luxurious seating experience. Lavish padding and ergonomic curves embrace you in comfort, while our attention to detail and high-quality materials guarantee both visual appeal and lasting comfort.

Interchangeable Upholstery

To cater to every home and style, we offer a variety of possibilities within our chairs. UMAGE chairs are available in Oak, Dark Oak, and Black, with legs available in black, brass, and chrome, depending on your preferred style. We understand the importance of flexibility, which is why our designs feature interchangeable upholstery and cushions. As times change, you have the freedom to change the
upholstery to suit your evolving taste. Whether you prefer the sophistication of leather, the charm of fabric finishes, or the coziness of the teddy bear fabric, UMAGE gives you the option to refresh your chair's appearance without the need to purchase an entirely new one, thereby promoting sustainability and conserving valuable world resources.

UMAGE’s Sustainability Efforts

Sustainability lies at the core of UMAGE's principles. We select only quality materials to ensure our designs have prolonged lifecycles, enabling you to lead a
sustainable lifestyle with a focus on environmental care. All our chairs feature responsibly sourced wood, eco-friendly finishes, and ethical manufacturing
practices. By embracing these eco-conscious principles, UMAGE not only enhances your living space but also contributes to a more sustainable future.

With UMAGE, every seat becomes a statement piece, elevating your home to new levels of sophistication and comfort. Transform your living spaces into havens of relaxation and style with our captivating collection of chairs.